Commute Options for Gunn

Here is an overview of some of the commute options at your school.


We learned about the Gunn ReCycles program in the Taking Action In High School section.
Gunn also has:

  1. A self-service bicycle repair station with tools and a pump available to fix your bike (started by a student in 2015) and online instructions to help guide you through your repair.

2. Free bicycle repair at arranged times provided by the Bay Area Bike Mobile.

Bay Area Bike Mobile Doing Free Repairs

3. A Pedaling For Prizes program that encourages more bike riding in addition to their Bicycling Club.

VTA Bus Service

Click here for the VTA trip planner. Bus passes are sold in the Student Activity Center

Bus 88 stops at the Gunn’s entrance on Arastradero Road.

Palo Alto Unified School District Bus Service

PAUSD provides bus service for Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto Hills, and Stanford for a fee.
Visit: or call (650) 329-3982 or more information.

Carpool Options

If and when you need to drive, Gunn encourages students to carpool. New student drivers can carpool with siblings if they have a note from their parents. Find out about this, rules for pick-up, drop-off, and permits here:


Walking, Biking, or taking transit can earn you the chance for prizes (and treats) through their punch card program.

And, if we could give you a cookie for making it to this point we would.

The last parts of the course take you to your course completion certificate and then to the Gunn “School Transportation” page. There you can get the latest information for planning out your school commute on your own.

We hope your commute to school reduces stress, connects you to your friends, saves time, saves money, and reminds you that you make a difference in leading the world through your individual, everyday choices. Thank you for joining this course.

Before you go, could you take a moment to tell us what, if anything you liked about this course and how could we make this course better?

Course Completion Certificate

Click on this link to download and print out your certificate.

We invite you to sit down, add some color if you printed black and white, and fill in your name with pride.
Congratulations, untold new adventures await you.

Finish Your Planning

Click on the image or the link below to go the Gunn Transportation page.